Beautiful Bouquet
Beautiful Bouquet
“Beautiful Bouquet,” is the enchanting Mother’s Day soap that captures the essence of a blooming garden in every luxurious lather. Infused with a harmonious blend of pure essential oils, including soothing clary sage, delicate geranium, and calming lavender, Beautiful Bouquet is a sensory delight for the soul.
Each bar of Beautiful Bouquet has a lovingly uplifting aroma that transports you to a serene oasis of tranquility. Immerse yourself in perfection, ensuring a pampering experience like no other.
Treat the special mothers in your life to the gift of Beautiful Bouquet—a symbol of love, appreciation, and rejuvenation. With its elegant colors and exquisite fragrance, it’s the perfect way to honor and celebrate the extraordinary women who fill our lives with beauty and grace.
Safety Alert: Preganancy Precaution
Contains: Clary Sage, Geranium, and Lavender essential oils
Contains saponified oils: Avocado oil, Castor oil, Coconut oil, Mango butter, Olive oil, Palm oil, Sweet Almond oil, Aloe Vera
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Keep your soap bar in a well drained dish. To avoid getting soggy.
Store unused soap bars in a dry, well ventilated area away from direct sunlight.
Use a bath glove, loofah, or wash cloth to extend the life of your soap.
Avoid submerging your soap in water and away from the direct shower spray.
Let customers speak for us
from 5 reviewsI love this soap, has a nice smell and leaves my skin soft and refreshed. I will definitely order again!
This soap is so gentle and leaves your skin feeling so soft and smooth. Such a sweet subtle scent of oats and honey. Must need for all homes!
This soap has a perfect scent! The perfect mix of essential oils, leave a lasting smell that every man needs!
This soap is so smooth and soft on the body, with the perfect amount of lather. It will make your man smell dreamy and wonderful. You cannot go wrong with this soap or any others made by soap and happiness!
-Very Happy Customer!
Me and my friends got 3 bars from them at the Bellwood fest and it has cleared my dark spots on my skin already after only 2 days of use! Lathers really well and leaves me feeling really clean!